Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Care

If you want a beautiful, happy and healthy dog, you must take great care during its infancy and developing stages. First of all, make sure to fed him only with the best quality dry food; this is not an area in which you want to be thrifty. Improper feeding in this stage could cause serious health problems later on, such as insufficiently strong muscles or bones. Puppies should be getting three meals a day, at least two of them being dry food. If your dogs show such preferences feel free to occasionally feed them vegetables or fruit, vitamins they gain from such nutrition can only do them good. You can give them treats, but try not to do that too often as it might disrupt their diet.

You shouldn’t wait more than 6-8 weeks to call in the vet and have your puppies vaccinated, once they receive their first vaccines, they will probably continue to receive a series of further vaccinations till they are 4 months old. This is a crucial part of their development and mustn’t be ignored. Your vet will tell you what vaccinations they need to receive, how often and for how long.

Make sure to follow the growth of their teeth, it is not rare that Yorkie puppies retain their puppy teeth. Even if you don’t intend to enter them in shows, you should monitor their teeth grow when they reach 5 months of age. Regular teeth development is not only important for their appearance, but also their ability to properly chew, and in turn, digest food.

Yorkies are usually either extremely easy or extremely difficult to potty train. If it turns out that the latter is the case be patient and do not lose your temper. If not before, once they reach 5 or 6 months of age they will have learned this important lesson.

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